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AJ & McCall 12/07/18

A celebrity is afraid of a toilet and cant shower with it open which is just bizarre, but also not the grossest thing in a restaurant. Dont touch the pepper just bring pocket pepper. AJ & McCall were asked for advice and happy to help. If your signi

59 min / Published

A celebrity is afraid of a toilet and can’t shower with it open which is just bizarre, but also not the grossest thing in a restaurant. Don’t touch the pepper just bring pocket pepper. AJ & McCall were asked for advice and happy to help. If your significant other was laid off but not using their time at home to share the burden with choirs, how would you go about that? How would you want to be asked if you were in that situation. Every year we’re told about porch pirates and how things could be taken off your porch, but does it happen? AJ isn’t convinced because neither he or McCall has experienced it and Cache Valley seems like a safer place since no one locks anything for the Debate At 8. Sleep walking, sleep talking are all things McCall does but now there’s a new thing she should be afraid of…sleep texting!

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