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AJ & McCall: After Show 03/05/20

Everyone knows the VFX catch phrase is Yay snakes! but add Do you wanna dig a hole? also. McCall had a silly belief when it came to graves. Your ultimate throwback is McCalls first EVER Facebook statuses. Can anyone help AJ become fire retardant? McCall

19 min / Published

Everyone knows the VFX catch phrase is ‘Yay snakes!’ but add ‘Do you wanna dig a hole?’ also. McCall had a silly belief when it came to graves. Your ultimate throwback is McCall’s first EVER Facebook statuses. Can anyone help AJ become fire retardant? McCall thinks he’s an idiot BUT she sleeps through fire alarms. Which name does Producer Butterz think is more fake between AJ & McCall? Belly buttons, feet pics, what weird body parts do people find attractive? 1/10 have a foot fetish which means at least two people in the building do.

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