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AJ & McCall: After Show 03/10/20

Happy Birthday to McCall...as she vows revenge on AJs Birthday. What about Producer Butterz birthday? How did McCall get everyone in trouble YET AGAIN? Consider yourself clued in. Who napped in a weird place? Do you believe in psychics? For the Debate At

20 min / Published

Happy Birthday to McCall…as she vows revenge on AJ’s Birthday. What about Producer Butterz’ birthday? How did McCall get everyone in trouble YET AGAIN? Consider yourself clued in. Who napped in a weird place? Do you believe in psychics? For the Debate At 8 a psychic was driving a wedge in a marriage but the wife isn’t alone in believing in psychic visions. In an age with Google shouldn’t people do a bit more research before going on the attack? Who got the Eminem music video? What’s the latest joke among the VFX studio?

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