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AJ & McCall: After Show 06/10/20

AJ & McCall are going to figure out how Producer Butterz falls when it comes to their arguments (hes also running the video were testing out). Would you rather have every forget you birthday or everyone sings to you wherever you go? The whole mornin

17 min / Published

AJ & McCall are going to figure out how Producer Butterz falls when it comes to their arguments (he’s also running the video we’re testing out). Would you rather have every forget you birthday or everyone sings to you wherever you go? The whole morning show tries to stay hydrated, but who’s more boujee between AJ & McCall? Has no one heard of a refill before? If you pay attention you’ll notice there’s clearly an AJ bias. Is everyone as particular about their bottled water? Will any of AJ, McCall or Producer Butterz be trying to make the hike for the $5000 hidden in the mountains? Oh boy are the Mega Karens not dealing well with the quarantine.

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