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AJ & McCall: After Show 06/16/20

Apologies as we are still learning how to sync the audio and video of the After Show. According to a survey the most annoying cartoon character is Spongebob, AJ and Producer Butterz guesses, but the parents in Cache Valley are with McCall...its Caillou!

18 min / Published

Apologies as we are still learning how to sync the audio and video of the After Show. According to a survey the most annoying cartoon character is Spongebob, AJ and Producer Butterz guesses, but the parents in Cache Valley are with McCall…it’s Caillou! What about your favorite cartoons since AJ says the 90’s as another golden age of cartoons. Little did you know McCall took a master class and got her doctorates degree. Will Butterz support McCall or AJ’s plan to catch the work thief? McCall and Producer Butterz can only see an actor once and not see them as anything else ever again.

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