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AJ & McCall: After Show 06/26/19

Has Producer Butterz seen the pie chart that was on the resume, but the more pressing question is Is the VFX internship program cursed. If it is then how much longer will AJ & McCall be around? And how did Kyle last almost ten years? Who knew Ikea s

21 min / Published

Has Producer Butterz seen the pie chart that was on the resume, but the more pressing question is ‘Is the VFX internship program cursed.’ If it is then how much longer will AJ & McCall be around? And how did Kyle last almost ten years? Who knew Ikea sold food? And apparently is actually a worldwide restaurant chain…despite having just 423 stores. How does that add up to number six? Bear man, killer spiders, heavenly fish experiences and the uppity bird neighborhood, plenty of animals this morning and in the After Show.

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