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AJ & McCall: After Show 07/03/19

Everything has seemingly fallen apart ahead of the four day weekend, is this some kind of punishment? Is it a sign AJ shouldnt go to Canada? McCall is the only one that has gone axe throwing, and thats sad. Cold pizza for breakfast, yay or nay? Since no

19 min / Published

Everything has seemingly fallen apart ahead of the four day weekend, is this some kind of punishment? Is it a sign AJ shouldn’t go to Canada? McCall is the only one that has gone axe throwing, and that’s sad. Cold pizza for breakfast, yay or nay? Since no one has tried liver, should they all try it? Then Producer Butterz starts naming off all the weird foods he can think of to see if anyone has had them. The fun really starts when they get to Rocky Mountain Oysters because one of them has no idea what they are. Then the fun game ‘What are 10 Things that Shouldn’t Exist Anymore?’

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