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AJ & McCall: After Show 08/21/19

Why so oblivious? AJ & McCall feel like they get a lot of questions without any exploration of whats around them. How has the Back 2 School Tour gone thus far? Also, McCall will let you know what a stapler sounds like. A poor girl asked AJ & Mc

18 min / Published

Why so oblivious? AJ & McCall feel like they get a lot of questions without any exploration of what’s around them. How has the Back 2 School Tour gone thus far? Also, McCall will let you know what a stapler sounds like. A poor girl asked AJ & McCall for directions and may be totally lost still at Green Canyon High School. Who wrote the backpack and map songs for Dora the Explore, and how do you get away with that? Good news for AJ, he made another cop friend after getting a speeding ticket on Monday. Producer Butterz isn’t so sure AJ won’t get a ticket when he heads up to Preston High School tomorrow morning.

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