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AJ & McCall: After Show 09/04/19

During the Back 2 School Tour today AJ found someone else who didnt hear very well. Being on the radio is about being honest and thats why McCall confessed to almost stealing a puppy from a little kid. That was surprising because AJ was trying to get McC

17 min / Published

During the Back 2 School Tour today AJ found someone else who didn’t hear very well. Being on the radio is about being honest and that’s why McCall confessed to almost stealing a puppy from a little kid. That was surprising because AJ was trying to get McCall to adopt the mini horse and goose combo, but according to McCall most birds are D Bags! Her favorite chicken had babies and she loves it, and maybe Producer Butterz could bother them. He has an insect problem, and is specifically mad that AJ hasn’t been squashing a certain bug out by the station vehicle shed.

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