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AJ & McCall: After Show 10/06/20

Dont get too impressed with the sound effects on the After Show. AJ and Producer Butterz cant believe McCall won the dumb off (the less dumb thing) despite chest bumping a trash can. AJ finds himself in a difficult situation with his cheapskate friend po

17 min / Published

Don’t get too impressed with the sound effects on the After Show. AJ and Producer Butterz can’t believe McCall won the dumb off (the less dumb thing) despite chest bumping a trash can. AJ finds himself in a difficult situation with his cheapskate friend possibly trying to take advantage again. However, McCall and Producer Butterz think AJ is going too far. Tik Tok Tuesday is a competition between AJ & McCall, so who did the best Ghost Photo Shoot? Also, both AJ & McCall weirded people out doing their videos. AJ’s petty couple argument is over toilet paper but things ramp up with one listener’s fight over the remote. Is that option on the table for McCall?

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