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AJ & McCall: After Show 11/07/19

James Dean will be the lead for a new movie which is sparking outrage in Hollywood. CGI has done amazing things, like making actors look younger or bringing back a passed away actor for a movie, but is this a step too far. AJ has a problem with fake Jame

7 min / Published

James Dean will be the lead for a new movie which is sparking outrage in Hollywood. CGI has done amazing things, like making actors look younger or bringing back a passed away actor for a movie, but is this a step too far. AJ has a problem with fake James Dean getting a leading role. Producer Butterz would totally see a holographic concert but McCall is unsure. AJ’s ghost cat seemingly has a problem with his new phone. Did you get a random text last night? There was an issue with the SMS System, OR it’s Mercury being in retrograde.

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