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AJ & McCall: After Show 12/18/19

McCall and Producer Butterz went on an adventure for tangerines because they ate the whole building out of them. Get ready to sip some tea! AJ thinks they should take it up to another notch by abusing the send all emails to everyone across the company. A

15 min / Published

McCall and Producer Butterz went on an adventure for tangerines because they ate the whole building out of them. Get ready to sip some tea! AJ thinks they should take it up to another notch by abusing the ‘send all’ emails to everyone across the company. A moment of silence for Chugg the Cow. Who is expressive with their faces of the VFX crew? At a party last night AJ noticed the kind of people that attend a party but Producer Butterz and McCall are a step ahead of him. Watch out for vehicles EVERYWHERE in Utah. How would you like a complainy text from McCall at 5am in the morning.

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