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AJ & McCall Drop the Mic: Gross Foods

AJ & McCall Drop the Mic on gross foods as McCall faces her iPod Idol punishment. In the closest iPod Idol vote ever, McCall unfortunately had to eat three dishes AJ prepared for her. Its almost a videocast as Denise films McCall eating her three gr

26 min / Published

AJ & McCall Drop the Mic on gross foods as McCall faces her iPod Idol punishment. In the closest iPod Idol vote ever, McCall unfortunately had to eat three dishes AJ prepared for her. It’s almost a videocast as Denise films McCall eating her three gross foods. Mitch joins us as well since he at least used to like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. Could you make it through any of the three; Cheetos milk, peanut butter and pickle sandwich and a pickle juice milkshake. Also, AJ doesn’t escape all the pickle because he tried the sandwich too.

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