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AJ & McCall: Florida Or Not 01/10/2020

With all the talks of Monopoly and McDonalds Monopoly being fake, I tHiiiiiiiink we figured out why Florida Avenue doesnt exist. Story #1 - A guy called the cops and asked to go to jail to be with his girlfriend who was locked up.  The cops went to hi

8 min / Published

With all the talks of Monopoly and McDonald’s Monopoly being fake, I tHiiiiiiiink we figured out why Florida Avenue doesn’t exist.

Story #1 – A guy called the cops and asked to go to jail to be with his girlfriend who was locked up.  The cops went to his place and found he was drunk and had drug paraphernalia on him, so he got his wish.

Story #2 – A Woman Tells the Cops She Has a Medical Marijuana Card . . . But It Didn’t Cover Her Crack Cocaine

Story #3 – A man drunkenly called the cops to report someone had stolen the cheeseburger off his nightstand at a motel during the night.  The other person in the room swore they didn’t do it.

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