AJ & McCall: Georgia Quarantine Driving Test Debate @8
Getting your drivers license is one of the biggest moments in any kids life so quarantine restricting teens heading in to the DMV has to stink. In Georgia theyve made it so teens dont have to take the driving test to get their license; good or bad idea?
Getting your drivers license is one of the biggest moments in any kid’s life so quarantine restricting teens heading in to the DMV has to stink. In Georgia they’ve made it so teens don’t have to take the driving test to get their license; good or bad idea? What was the worst part of the driving test for the Debate At 8?
Getting your drivers license is one of the biggest moments in any kid’s life so quarantine restricting teens heading in to the DMV has to stink. In Georgia they’ve made it so teens don’t have to take the driving test to get their license; good or bad idea? What was the worst part of the driving test for the Debate At 8?
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AJ & McCall: Florida Or Not 05/01/20
Not quite a doozy but still pretty good stories from Florida according to McCall.
Story #1 - Guy accidentally deposits two bags of cocaine in the bank
Story #2 - Guy gets pulled over for speeding and had a body in his trunk
Story #3 - Guy had a
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AJ & McCall Show 05/01/20
Theres a new venture in NYC to clean the subways and can anyone imagine a more disgusting job? Though its pretty gross what a Swedish town did to keep people out of their park, something McCall has some experience with. Traffic has lessened in quarantine
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