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AJ & McCall Show 01/02/20

What resolutions do AJ & McCall have for their show in 2020? But more importantly, how long will they last? What Florida Or Not story can AJ match that may get a friend of his arrested? How does a state that is associated with snow have it outlawed

1 hr 17 min / Published

What resolutions do AJ & McCall have for their show in 2020? But more importantly, how long will they last? What Florida Or Not story can AJ match that may get a friend of his arrested? How does a state that is associated with snow have it outlawed to have a snowball fight? AJ ran in to so many uncaring seniors during his road trip and it has him admitting he was wrong about life being downhill after 25, but what age is that for the Debate At 8? AJ & McCall are going to blow your minds with tacos. McCall maintains she’s not a Grinch but that doesn’t seem to be the case with everyone’s holiday excitement, and she got a family member’s Facebook suspended.

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