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AJ & McCall Show 01/08/20

What day is it because AJs brain is completely melted. How does McCalls energy throughout the day lineup with the average person? AJ & McCall swear theyre mature but how do you not talk about poop found in the fridge after the bucket of poo Florida

1 hr 11 min / Published

What day is it because AJ’s brain is completely melted. How does McCall’s energy throughout the day lineup with the average person? AJ & McCall swear they’re mature but how do you not talk about poop found in the fridge after the bucket of poo Florida Or Not story? Would You Rather Wednesday is terrifying; lose all your teeth or lose all your hair? There was a family meeting for AJ this weekend which was AJ getting left out of the will? Is it weird to talk about wills and life insurance for the Debate At 8? Everyone gets a little cynical as they get older, but AJ’s girlfriend is unsure if she got scammed while doing a good deed. McCall wants the fame but would she eat something weird to get famous?

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