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AJ & McCall Show 01/30/20

Why wont McCall be optimistic about her and AJs chances to get $1000 free? The Corona Virus is getting more serious with a cruise ship stuck in an Italian port and no one can get off because theres one person showing the symptoms, the start of a horror m

1 hr 6 min / Published

Why won’t McCall be optimistic about her and AJ’s chances to get $1000 free? The Corona Virus is getting more serious with a cruise ship stuck in an Italian port and no one can get off because there’s one person showing the symptoms, the start of a horror movie right? Apparently McCall wrote a horror story that took place in Italy as a kid, WHAT?! Can AJ ask for money a friend owes him now that he got a well paying job? Who the heck would sell their roommate’s dog? It’s a sad Debate At 8. Why is chocolate milk not allowed in the Senate? Who didn’t have a cringey first screen name? Everyone knows how to handle parallelogram season right?

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