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AJ & McCall Show 02/04/20

There are random packages being delivered to homes.. That dont make ANY sense.. It snowed a TON yesterday, can we call in snowed in? We asked on the poll of the day if it was acceptable. AJ also addressed how people have assumptions about people with fan

59 min / Published

There are random packages being delivered to homes.. That don’t make ANY sense.. It snowed a TON yesterday, can we call in “snowed in?” We asked on the poll of the day if it was acceptable. AJ also addressed how people have assumptions about people with fancy cars and whether they’re correct.. McCall says that they are. Also, birds suck. What do AJ and McCall have to say about them? Have you ever lost something at an airport? AJ has a story for #FeelGoodTuesday about someone leaving things at an airport. AJ and McCall talk about winning people over with BIG gestures for the Debate at 8.. What do they think about dating and Valentines Day? ALSO imagine spending TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on postage for an “accident.”

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