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AJ & McCall Show 02/07/20

AJ is feeling positive about the weather this morning but McCall will not tolerate it and rains on his parade. What did McCall lose yesterday? AJ & McCall saw a co-worker steal a chair and need to bust them for it, but how do they do it? America is

1 hr 8 min / Published

AJ is feeling positive about the weather this morning but McCall will not tolerate it and rains on his parade. What did McCall lose yesterday? AJ & McCall saw a co-worker steal a chair and need to bust them for it, but how do they do it? America is the land of the dumbest lawsuits and the Super Bowl halftime show could stop you from reaching heaven. Oh boy does Jax get McCall fired up because of his disdain for make up. Ever had a make up disagreement for the Debate At 8? Humans are really just celery with anxiety, and sometimes there are legal things that feel illegal. What’s the best soda? Which parking spot was most annoying in this week’s Park Narcs?

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