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AJ & McCall Show 02/26/20

Why waste time on unnecessary snitching? Who got snitched on yesterday? AJ & McCall both have friends who have their social media run by a significant other, but only one is bad. Warning labels have absolutely gone too far. Would you rather have lik

1 hr 15 min / Published

Why waste time on unnecessary snitching? Who got snitched on yesterday? AJ & McCall both have friends who have their social media run by a significant other, but only one is bad. Warning labels have absolutely gone too far. Would you rather have liked coworkers and a disliked job OR a liked job and disliked coworkers? McCall was the old one last night but it doesn’t last long for AJ to laugh in the Debate At 8. AJ & McCall have a huge disagreement about a song soundalike. How is peanut butter solving the GIF/JIF debate?

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