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AJ & McCall Show 03/05/20

Even with the coronavirus would you pass on a free cruise? No one would be unreasonable and go well outside their means for a private flight, right? Which name is more fake, AJ Knight or McCall Taylor? Since McCall won the Poll of the Day she is making A

1 hr 13 min / Published

Even with the coronavirus would you pass on a free cruise? No one would be unreasonable and go well outside their means for a private flight, right? Which name is more fake, AJ Knight or McCall Taylor? Since McCall won the Poll of the Day she is making AJ think fast for a game of hers. Unusual body parts are getting a lot of love around AJ and it’s weird. Is there something different that draws you to your partner for the Debate At 8? The retirement plan right now is apparently hand sanitizer after prices skyrocket online. What does Canadian laundry do? AJ’s fire risk can’t be that bad…right?

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