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AJ & McCall Show 03/23/20

McCall was afraid on Friday she might have the Coronavirus so...does she? Our goal should be to string together some good, calm days to carry in to April. Why is McCall starring at AJ when it comes to the Florida Or Not story about stealing from hotels?

1 hr 2 min / Published

McCall was afraid on Friday she might have the Coronavirus so…does she? Our goal should be to string together some good, calm days to carry in to April. Why is McCall starring at AJ when it comes to the Florida Or Not story about stealing from hotels? McCall’s scheduling has gone too far. A couple fight started over the Coronavirus and raises question of how serious are you taking it for the Debate At 8? How would you deal with a cancelled wedding right now? Is AJ being recruited to be a sugar daddy in training? Why did McCall get punched in the face? What two nominees are facing off for Park Narcs?

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