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AJ & McCall Show 03/25/20

Okay McCall was right, spring doesnt start until Thursday. AJ is on board with skinwalkers being released to keep everyone inside to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Spam sales being up is CLEARLY a sign of how bad things are. Would you rather be j

1 hr 11 min / Published

Okay McCall was right, spring doesn’t start until Thursday. AJ is on board with skinwalkers being released to keep everyone inside to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Spam sales being up is CLEARLY a sign of how bad things are. Would you rather be jailed or exiled? Who is Tim the security guard and why is he a Twitter treasure? Is your suspicion up for your coworkers for the Debate At 8? Who is taking the Coronavirus the least serious in your family? How would you lecture your parents? Rudy Gobert has lost a few of his senses, which would you pick to lose? Is it really possible to send your dogs on grocery errands?

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