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AJ & McCall Show 04/29/20

Looks like weve got a movie theater and production company fight that will have post quarantine ramifications. No matter who said what about disinfectants you still have to be dumb enough inject them for there to be a problem. Didnt we learn this before

34 min / Published

Looks like we’ve got a movie theater and production company fight that will have post quarantine ramifications. No matter who said what about disinfectants you still have to be dumb enough inject them for there to be a problem. Didn’t we learn this before with the tide pods?! After a real lack of optimism for AJ’s potential new metal detector hobby, McCall brings it even lower by denying pools are great. How messy is your car compared to McCall’s, but the real question is how would you define your quarantine in one word in the Debate At 8? Will you handshake again after quarantine? AJ & McCall have their first Hero Roll Call!

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