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AJ & McCall Show 05/05/20

Despite pretty regular criticism of the states drivers, a fiver year old Utahn has earned AJ & McCalls praise. How well do you know AJ & McCall? Can you guess based on their Netflix? Is there any coming back from You remind my of my dead ex-wif

1 hr 2 min / Published

Despite pretty regular criticism of the state’s drivers, a fiver year old Utahn has earned AJ & McCall’s praise. How well do you know AJ & McCall? Can you guess based on their Netflix? Is there any coming back from ‘You remind my of my dead ex-wife?’ Just how low was the bar set for a lazy quarantine? Three guesses who blows the gasket over the laziness between AJ, McCall and Producer Butterz for the Debate At 8. What is the fascination with AJ getting a mullet? Oh boy does online shopping go terribly wrong some times, and these stories aren’t even close.

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Utah's VFX
Utah's Hottest Music!
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