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AJ & McCall Show 05/28/20

Is it officially summer? Either way its hot and AJ is excited for the best possible birthday gift ever that even McCall cant deny. Unfortunately the memes about Japan paying for half your trip to jump start tourism are fake, but if someone footed half th

1 hr / Published

Is it officially summer? Either way it’s hot and AJ is excited for the best possible birthday gift ever that even McCall can’t deny. Unfortunately the memes about Japan paying for half your trip to jump start tourism are fake, but if someone footed half the bill but picked your vacation spot would you go? Speaking of footing the bill, it looks like McCall is getting a new side hustle. Apparently bears are feeling empowered in quarantine because they’re coming out of the woods, but according to McCall they’re everywhere…sort of for the Debate At 8. AJ can’t believe kids who wanted to become Spider-Man didn’t even know the source material. A car that heats up to 133 degrees? Maybe just leave it in the sun?

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