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AJ & McCall Show 06/17/20

AJ thinks there may be a correlation between the work candy jar and the work thieves sprees, but no terror can prepare you for why McCall is scared of suckers. Your career and love are two foundational pillars in life, but which is the most important for

1 hr 1 min / Published

AJ thinks there may be a correlation between the work candy jar and the work thieves sprees, but no terror can prepare you for why McCall is scared of suckers. Your career and love are two foundational pillars in life, but which is the most important for Would You Rather Wednesday? AJ is tired of quoting things and only having to explain them so now McCall has to take the IQ ‘I Quote’ Test. A Cache Valley retail worker lays it all out when it comes to people freaking out, and how do you pay with your friends for the Debate At 8? What were you almost gonna be; what did you think you were going to grow up to do?

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