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AJ & McCall Show 06/19/20

Good thing its Friday because it looks like McCall is scattered and has a new nervous tick. Did you ever think mopeds were cool? Its easy to criticize strangers driving, but what about friends and family? AJ is convinced there isnt a guy out there that h

1 hr 2 min / Published

Good thing it’s Friday because it looks like McCall is scattered and has a new nervous tick. Did you ever think mopeds were cool? It’s easy to criticize strangers driving, but what about friends and family? AJ is convinced there isn’t a guy out there that hasn’t asked their friend girls to set them up at least once, but is a good idea. Also, dating is weird during the pandemic for the Debate At 8. AJ feels like a terrible friend after telling his buddy not to come because of Coronavirus and his friend also got hurt. A friend of the AJ & McCall Show also needs some advice on being ghosted by a friend. Which parking job is Cache Valley’s worst for this week’s Park Narcs?

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