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AJ & McCall Show 06/25/20

How does a tortoise even escape? A meme keeps popping up about a bed time monster that has AJ concerned but he question makes McCall think hes going to have someone break in to her house. Why wasnt everyone honest about being an adult? Theres a whole bun

1 hr 12 min / Published

How does a tortoise even escape? A meme keeps popping up about a bed time monster that has AJ concerned but he question makes McCall think he’s going to have someone break in to her house. Why wasn’t everyone honest about being an adult? There’s a whole bunch of problems no one prepared us for. Stats show that Millennials seem to actually have a solid grasp on marriage, but what about friend divorces? Which of the staff will AJ & McCall be splitting up for the Debate At 8? Why did AJ’s neighbor let him have it over a trash can? Have you tried the lemopple yet?

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