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AJ & McCall Show 07/18/19

Can you imagine getting to walk on the moon and being allergic to moon dust? Is McCall concerned using the old face app could mean some Russian website now has her picture? Which parent is stricter? What are the Seven Wonders of Cache Valley? Can you han

1 hr 23 min / Published

Can you imagine getting to walk on the moon and being allergic to moon dust? Is McCall concerned using the old face app could mean some Russian website now has her picture? Which parent is stricter? What are the Seven Wonders of Cache Valley? Can you handle the cringe? Scrolling with your toes, the video is viral and gross! But AJ’s girlfriend says there’s something he does that grosses her out even more. Our ideas are getting stolen and we need to figure out what to do? Vengeance for the Debate At 8? Will Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello regret doing a song together? And what has AJ not tried?

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