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AJ & McCall Show 07/22/19

Can you imagine the no win situation of mosh pitting with Shaq? Also, the Area 51 invasion has gotten way out of hand, even the creator of the event say so. When AJ & McCall did the Ginger Ale trying video the Radio Ranch ghost looks like it made an

1 hr 19 min / Published

Can you imagine the no win situation of mosh pitting with Shaq? Also, the Area 51 invasion has gotten way out of hand, even the creator of the event say so. When AJ & McCall did the Ginger Ale trying video the Radio Ranch ghost looks like it made an appearance. How far does McCall go to avoid germs? Where are the worst public restrooms? Who did chores this weekend, like dishes? Did you clean out the spoiled food or just throw the container out for the Debate At 8? If you had to put together a power point presentation to get your friend a date, how would it go? AJ is excited for 90s cartoons coming back but McCall doesn’t really have the same tie to it.

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