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AJ & McCall Show 08/04/20

According to a soon to be open one week cinema, it appeals to everyone to drop anchor and watch a movie. McCalls Chewbacca prank has caught on because now its a ex revenge prank. AJ & McCall have a bit of a streak going now, but do they Know Your Ho

1 hr / Published

According to a soon to be open one week cinema, it appeals to everyone to drop anchor and watch a movie. McCall’s Chewbacca prank has caught on because now it’s a ex revenge prank. AJ & McCall have a bit of a streak going now, but do they Know Your Horn? It’s hard to believe any pet could be more attention needy than McCall’s dogs, though they’ve upped it, but AJ may have found one. AJ’s mom is happy to shed some light on kids manipulating parents for the Debate At 8. If you’re driving and all of your family, your significant other are riding with you, who sits shotgun?

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