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AJ & McCall Show 08/14/20

One AJ & McCall Show fan probably had a panic attack after an accidental react on the Facebook Live podcast yesterday. Very rarely does McCall have to be the bad cop but the time has come. The thing every buys the most of list was released and Utah

1 hr / Published

One AJ & McCall Show fan probably had a panic attack after an accidental react on the Facebook Live podcast yesterday. Very rarely does McCall have to be the bad cop but the time has come. The thing every buys the most of list was released and Utah once again was very reasonable, but AJ’s home state of Indiana is crazy! How did a 20-year-old end up with $100,000 in a summer? The parents tweet has gone viral and it is nuts for the Debate At 8. Does the new version of socially distanced arena shows pass the McCall Taylor test? Which parking job is the worst in Cache Valley for this week’s Park Narcs?

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