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AJ & McCall Show 08/26/19

AJ is always comparing the high schools to each other and his but McCall thinks hes making much ado about nothing. Does your family do the first day pictures? We have something special to make those first day outfits look the best possible. Friday an arg

54 min / Published

AJ is always comparing the high schools to each other and his but McCall thinks he’s making much ado about nothing. Does your family do the first day pictures? We have something special to make those first day outfits look the best possible. Friday an argument started between AJ & McCall about lawnmowers. Should you be able to test drive, and what wouldn’t you ever want used for the Debate At 8? We’ve got a new way to complain about a certain expect of driving, Park Narcs! Join us in the caption off while sending us the terrible parking you see. It’s International Dog Day and who better to celebrate than McCall.

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