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AJ & McCall Show 08/29/19

AJ & McCall disagree about an architecture before discovering what looks like a giant spit wad. What sentimental thing would you miss the most from your house if it disappeared. McCall is feeling old and has a sunburn on her nose that would certainl

1 hr 4 min / Published

AJ & McCall disagree about an architecture before discovering what looks like a giant spit wad. What sentimental thing would you miss the most from your house if it disappeared. McCall is feeling old and has a sunburn on her nose that would certainly suggest that. Is there a time that is too late for dinner? What’s your lazy dinner for the Debate At 8? What adult thing did AJ do for the first time that he’s proud of? After visiting penguins, which AJ’s girlfriend loved, ads started popping up for visiting sloths and she wants to do that too.

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