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AJ & McCall Show 09/03/20

Is there any lamer excuse for being late than it was your day to get a car wash? The key to living longer is actually a good thing, though you may have to brag about it. The internets new idea for how to eat ice cream is human evolution as far as AJ is c

54 min / Published

Is there any lamer excuse for being late than it was your day to get a car wash? The key to living longer is actually a good thing, though you may have to brag about it. The internet’s new idea for how to eat ice cream is human evolution as far as AJ is concerned, but does McCall buy it? Very rarely does AJ get to use Moon Magic, but he’ll analyze McCall’s dream for her. Jax got bailed on by his coworkers and isn’t sure what to do for the Debate At 8. It’s the definition of first world problems but AJ found the simplest task that is the MOST annoying. McCall won’t even let AJ finish the research that can help you maintain your weight because she’s grossed out.

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