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AJ & McCall Show 09/09/19

Back in the studio feels a bit weird for AJ & McCall after three straight weeks of the Back 2 School Tour. Do you like the rain, because AJ loves it but it makes everyone sad apparently. A university did something really great to help a kid, but tha

1 hr 18 min / Published

Back in the studio feels a bit weird for AJ & McCall after three straight weeks of the Back 2 School Tour. Do you like the rain, because AJ loves it but it makes everyone sad apparently. A university did something really great to help a kid, but that doesn’t stop AJ from getting some shots in. McCall has found a dream concert that seems impossible to be happening. AJ finally tried squeaky cheese but won’t be again before a texture argument erupts for the Debate At 8. How likely do you think it is that a stranger would come to your aid if you were being attacked?

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