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AJ & McCall Show 09/11/20

Why does McCall not believe AJ that theres a whole process for men checking strange toilets? One guy in England ruined men getting to make any yard directions after his addition to his garden. McCall didnt have a problem with a significant other stashing

54 min / Published

Why does McCall not believe AJ that there’s a whole process for men checking strange toilets? One guy in England ruined men getting to make any yard directions after his addition to his garden. McCall didn’t have a problem with a significant other stashing money but AJ’s pretty positive she won’t like the update. Train wreck AJ and infinite relationship McCall are the perfect team to play Make Up or Break Up for the Debate At 8. Picking up lines, most of them at least, are terrible but what about break up lines? What’s the longest 30 seconds you have to wait? Not sure what’s happening in the valley but all of a sudden people are blocking in others, but who will be this week’s worst parking job in Cache Valley for Park Narcs?

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