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AJ & McCall Show 09/19/19

McCall has a battle on her hands with a very large newcomer to her garage. Two different types of 21st birthdays for AJ & McCall, but what was the thing that AJ did that annoyed his friends most. Why does there need to be a sexy Mr. Rodgers costume?

1 hr 23 min / Published

McCall has a battle on her hands with a very large newcomer to her garage. Two different types of 21st birthdays for AJ & McCall, but what was the thing that AJ did that annoyed his friends most. Why does there need to be a sexy Mr. Rodgers costume? The grossest thing that happened yesterday for McCall wasn’t even on the show. Should she sell pictures of her feet to strangers for the Debate At 8? AJ wants to punch a guy in the face who won’t leave his girlfriend alone, is he justified? What things do kids say that annoy you and can you say McCall’s tongue twister?

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