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AJ & McCall Show 09/26/19

The best way to stay hydrated is...skim milk? Bleack! McCall is pretty confident in her ability to identify plants by the leaves, but what about AJ? AJ & McCall have free food for you but only if you select three restaurants for the rest of the year

1 hr 9 min / Published

The best way to stay hydrated is…skim milk? Bleack! McCall is pretty confident in her ability to identify plants by the leaves, but what about AJ? AJ & McCall have free food for you but only if you select three restaurants for the rest of the year, which are you going to pick? Are you a messy person? You better be careful if you are because you could get broken up with if you leave specific messes which are no brainers for the Debate At 8. AJ finds out a saying his parents used all the time when he was a kid is actually super mean. How does McCall feel about wildlife city people think is beautiful and what artist should do a shaped themed album.

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