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AJ & McCall Show 10/04/19

Is McCall concerned about scaring kids after revealing some of her witch powers? AJ found the best tweet, the Earth is ravioli and you cant change our minds. Mayo and peanut butter sandwiches? AJ & McCall would be grossed out if they werent arguing

1 hr 16 min / Published

Is McCall concerned about scaring kids after revealing some of her witch powers? AJ found the best tweet, the Earth is ravioli and you can’t change our minds. Mayo and peanut butter sandwiches? AJ & McCall would be grossed out if they weren’t arguing about what is and isn’t mayo, though AJ also can’t coach McCall through putting a contact in. Does a hole in a piece of clothing mean throw it out? AJ is letting everyone decide if he should fix some shorts or just throw them out for the Debate At 8. Who’s the best texter in the building? McCall thinks a new trend with work emails is exactly what the need but AJ is waiting for the next advancement.

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