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AJ & McCall Show 10/31/19

Why are AJ & McCall the only ones that dressed up at work? Be careful your costume isnt so awesome that you convince paramedics responding to your car crash that youre dead. McCall had to deal with an Instagram bully yesterday. What is early, on tim

1 hr 15 min / Published

Why are AJ & McCall the only ones that dressed up at work? Be careful your costume isn’t so awesome that you convince paramedics responding to your car crash that you’re dead. McCall had to deal with an Instagram bully yesterday. What is early, on time and late? Who talks on the phone anymore? But, unless you’re McCall, you’ve got to have a way to get out of it so how do you do that for the Debate At 8? Would you hot tub in the weather we’ve been having? McCall is an aunt again and learned a lot about being a shark. AJ & McCall got the horror movie call so maybe they’re gonna get got tonight.

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