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AJ & McCall Show 11/14/19

What could go wrong with Titanic two? Is it possible that McCall will drive to Missouri to save Narwhal the unicorn puppy? Anyone believe in omens? It seems like there are a lot of them surrounding China and maybe AJ shouldnt go on his vacation? Whats in

1 hr 16 min / Published

What could go wrong with Titanic two? Is it possible that McCall will drive to Missouri to save Narwhal the unicorn puppy? Anyone believe in omens? It seems like there are a lot of them surrounding China and maybe AJ shouldn’t go on his vacation? ‘What’s in McCall’s Car?!’ is everyone’s favorite game and it’s back! AJ has a buddy looking for advice after doing something nice for the BFF of his girlfriend but the girl gang is planting seeds of doubt. Did he cross the line for the Debate At 8? McCall tortured herself by looking at houses she couldn’t afford, but some of them had neighbors. If you were rich would you have neighbors and what outlandish thing would you have? What is karma for passive aggressive Thanksgiving and what is an inflatable turkey war?

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