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AJ & McCall Show 11/21/19

McCall may soon finish her What ate my chickens? Bingo Card. The votes for Would You Rather Wednesday were unanimous and holy cow. Turkeys are lose and if you catch one then you can win Frozen 2 tickets. Everyone pokes fun of AJ having mac n cheese as a

1 hr 8 min / Published

McCall may soon finish her ‘What ate my chickens?’ Bingo Card. The votes for Would You Rather Wednesday were unanimous and holy cow. Turkeys are lose and if you catch one then you can win Frozen 2 tickets. Everyone pokes fun of AJ having mac n cheese as a side for Thanksgiving, though they love it outside of the holiday, but what are the most hated Thanksgiving foods? What happened in McCall’s evening that involves missionaries and getting pulled over? They’ve announced a National Treasure 3 but McCall can’t stand Nic Cage. Do you have a celebrity that you absolutely hate for the Debate At 8? Who’s your favorite kid, one airline is using it as a security question. AJ figured out how to increase work productivity.

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