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AJ & McCall Show 12/11/19

Is McCall ready to be judged for her lack of Christmas decorations? Also, what the heck is a Danish Cringle? AJ, as a millenial, is always trying to defend millenials but hes got nothing for the teen who got her fingers stuck in a shopping cart. Have you

1 hr 13 min / Published

Is McCall ready to be judged for her lack of Christmas decorations? Also, what the heck is a Danish Cringle? AJ, as a millenial, is always trying to defend millenials but he’s got nothing for the teen who got her fingers stuck in a shopping cart. Have you ever been axe bombed? Would You Rather always stink and have nobody tell you or always smell something that stinks but no one else does Relationships are about supporting your significant other but also roasting them a little. What continuous argument do you have with your significant other for the Debate At 8? Is it milk or cereal first? McCall is uppity, this time about bows. Do you save anything from presents? Why did McCall end up with a six dollar chap stick? How can AJ communicate internationally excuse me next time he travels?

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