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AJ & McCall Show

AJs brother is working without computers and that just sounds like an insurmountable nightmare. Theres no denying, dating is a crap shoot and it doesnt get any better for Would You Rather Wednesday? AJ always makes McCall analyze his dreams, but what doe

59 min / Published

AJ’s brother is working without computers and that just sounds like an insurmountable nightmare. There’s no denying, dating is a crap shoot and it doesn’t get any better for Would You Rather Wednesday? AJ always makes McCall analyze his dreams, but what does she think when one listener’s dream involved a third party and now there’s a fight in her relationship? McCall loves dogs but can she get behind the dog being on the wedding registry? When can you give pets gifts for the Debate At 8? According to AJ’s friends he only does his girlfriend’s birthday wrong and they’re upset again. Kanye’s campaign ad was bad so AJ & McCall are giving him a gift to try and make it better.

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