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AJ & McCall: Smell Dating Debate @8

Apparently 51% people believe theyve already found their soul mate, sounds a bit high. Dating is a numbers game and thats why AJ & McCall are perfectly okay with all the different options out there to meet people...except a new one called smell dati

13 min / Published

Apparently 51% people believe they’ve already found their soul mate, sounds a bit high. Dating is a numbers game and that’s why AJ & McCall are perfectly okay with all the different options out there to meet people…except a new one called smell dating. What does your significant other smell like because AJ’s girlfriend is going to tell him. Smells seem like a bit of ridiculous way to be drawn to someone but there are other unusual answers out there, what was it for you for the Debate At 8? How did a potato get McCall’s attention on her first date with Dustin?

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