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AJ & McCall: Word Flubs Debate @8

AJ & McCall have done this radio thing for a minute and that means theres a few flubs along the way, including yean and scray. On top of that the new AJ & McCall favorite catch phrase is Totes yeet, yo! after UDOT put it on a traffic sign. Howe

12 min / Published

AJ & McCall have done this radio thing for a minute and that means there’s a few flubs along the way, including yean and scray. On top of that the new AJ & McCall favorite catch phrase is “Totes yeet, yo!” after UDOT put it on a traffic sign. However, a Cache Valley teacher has a very strong opinion on that phrase for the Debate At 8. Also, some times a brain fart leads to an alternative phrase that may be even better.

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