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Amber Cullum: Depression

Amber shares her journey with postpartum depression

29 min / Published

Amber Cullum, host of the Grace Enough Podcast, shares with us her experience with depression -- specifically postpartum depression. She shares how she realized it was something she needed help addressing, how she got help and the community of support that is important for healing.  And of course, she shares her favorite gadget!

Meet our Guest Amber:

Amber is wife to Sam, a mom of three, and a physical therapist turned stay-at-home mom. And she's also the host of the Grace Enough Podcast where she loves connecting women with God, people, and resources to spur them on in their walks with Jesus and remind them that God's grace is enough. 

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Topics we cover:

  • Amber’s personal struggle with depression
  • How Amber’s husband supported her 
  • Letting go of some of the stereotypes and fears
  • Going through therapy and medication
  • How to identify if you are experiencing depression
  • Advice to fellow moms who are going through depression
  • Taking medication for depression
  • Favorite gadget

Resources mentioned:

Grace Enough Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grace-enough-podcast/id1451341449

Amber's favorite tool/gadget is her Frother!

Link to transcript: https://www.thismomknows.com/blog/episode-1

Connect with Amber: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/graceenoughpodcast_amber/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/graceenoughpodcast
Website: https://www.graceenoughpodcast.com/

About This Mom Knows

Moms know a lot of things, and when we start talking, ideas form, energy builds, and we take action. This Mom Knows is a place for moms to mompreneurs to find encouragement, connection, and maybe even collaboration but most importantly community with moms who know.  So, grab a cup of coffee, maybe a paper and pencil to jot down an idea or two, and let's discover what This Mom Knows.



  • depression
  • postpartum depression
  • grace
  • hormones
  • community
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This Mom Knows
A podcast by Jenn Uren
Helping mompreneurs find the systems, tools, and connections to allow them to be their best as both mom and entrepreneur.
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